by Josh Thompson | Jun 27, 2014
Over the past few weeks, numerous calls have come in to the Extension Office about a strange bug found in field peas (cowpeas, southern peas). Whether you have a small garden patch, or 200 acres of peas, you probably have the pea weevil, also known as the pea...
by Josh Thompson | May 30, 2014
Panhandle farmers are busy. Many are still planting peanuts and cotton, some are harvesting wheat and oats, cutting hay, putting out fertilizer and spraying for weeds and thrips. Herbicide applications are going out in areas that are dry enough to get equipment in....
by Josh Thompson | May 9, 2014
Its prime time for cotton and peanut planting, but the excessive rainfall last week brought planting to a halt. Some growers in the northeast corner of Jackson County, where soils are very sandy, were able to begin planting again this week. The rest of the region is...
by Josh Thompson | Apr 11, 2014
This time of year, some wheat farmers may be wondering what kind of yields they will end up with. Yield estimates this week from Jackson County looked very promising, with yields estimated at 84 bushels per acre and 70 bushels per acre at 2 different farms. Doing a...
by Josh Thompson | Mar 28, 2014
Heavy rains in north Florida have had some growers behind in getting ready for the crop season this year. Thankfully, this week has been dry enough for some to do field work. Right now many farmers are plowing land, spraying cover crops, strip tilling, spreading lime,...