by Josh Thompson | Aug 9, 2013
The relentless rain in July had many corn growers in the Panhandle wondering if it would ever stop long enough to harvest their corn crop. Finally, growers in Jackson County have gotten some relief and have started to harvest their earliest planted fields. Irrigated...
by Josh Thompson | Aug 2, 2013
Earlier this week I visited a farm in Jackson County that had considerable damage from leafhopper insects, a condition usually called hopper-burn. There several different species of leafhoppers that feed on peanut, one of the most common is the potato leafhopper...
by Josh Thompson | Aug 2, 2013
Josh Thompson, Regional Agronomy IPM Agent & Doug Mayo, Jackson County Extension Director The country music singer, Alan Jackson, has a song titled, “Too much of a good thing, is a good thing.” Normally, that is right, but the excessive rains in July are an...
by Josh Thompson | Jul 12, 2013
Excessive rains across the panhandle the past week have many growers in a hurry-up-and-wait situation. Some cotton fields are in need of nitrogen or herbicide but are still too wet to operate in. An additional concern that cotton growers may have is the timely...
by Josh Thompson | Jun 21, 2013
Right now, the maturity of the cotton crop across the panhandle is highly variable, with some fields just cracking, and others approaching layby in a couple of weeks. That being said, this is the time of year for growers to implement strategic irrigation plans that...