by Josh Thompson | Apr 26, 2013
Dr. Nick Dufault, University of Florida Plant Pathologist, shares highlights from his “Peanut and Cotton Disease Update” presentation, made at the 2013 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course in Marianna. In this video, he provides important considerations for managing...
by Josh Thompson | Apr 19, 2013
Dr. Ramon Leon, University of Florida Weed Science Specialist, shares highlights from his “Managing Herbicide Resistance” presentation he made at the 2013 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course in Marianna. In this video, he provides important considerations for preventing...
by Josh Thompson | Apr 12, 2013
Many small grains in the Panhandle are in boot stage or just beginning to flower. Photo Credit: Josh ThompsonConsiderable acreage of wheat and other small grains was planted this past fall because of the favorable prices. Much of the fall planted crop is already in...
by Josh Thompson | Apr 5, 2013
Dr. John Beasley, UGA Extension Agronomist, shares highlights from his “Peanut Production Update” presentation made at the 2013 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course in Marianna. In this video, he reemphasizes important issues for peanut production this year....
by Josh Thompson | Mar 22, 2013
The panhandle has experienced warmer weather during the past week, and as the air has warmed and the soil dried, a particular ground-dwelling insect has appeared. This insect is the ground or mining bee. There are several different genera of ground bees, but the...