by Judy Biss | Apr 26, 2013
During an April site inspection of perennial peanut fields with agents and a farmer, we noticed a weed that was not readily identifiable by any of us. Then, as so often happens, a few days later another farmer brought the same weed into the Extension office saying it...
by Judy Biss | Feb 8, 2013
Several kinds of maggots infest the wounds of warm-blooded animals; however, the only one that feeds exclusively on live flesh is the screwworm, and Florida has a long history with New World Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax). The adult flies of these flesh eating...
by Judy Biss | Dec 20, 2012
North Florida’s hot humid summer seems a distant memory for now. The cool temperatures, falling leaves, and shorter days are a welcome relief. Since activity in and around your pond may be reduced this time of year, there are a few “cool weather” conditions you...
by Judy Biss | Nov 16, 2012
Florida’s black bear population estimate was as low as 300 in the 1970s, today the population estimate is more than 3,000 bears distributed in seven geographically distinct areas of the state (Figure 1.) The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has...
by Judy Biss | Oct 26, 2012
If you are a pesticide applicator, you may have encountered some herbicide treatments that did not produce the results you expected. Why is that? There are a number of factors that can contribute to less than perfect pesticide treatment results. With proper...