Have you seen this Goatweed?

During an April site inspection of perennial peanut fields with agents and a farmer, we noticed a weed that was not readily identifiable by any of us.  Then, as so often happens, a few days later another farmer brought the same weed into the Extension office saying it...

New World Screwworm: Gone -Yes, but not Forgotten!

Several kinds of maggots infest the wounds of warm-blooded animals; however, the only one that feeds exclusively on live flesh is the screwworm, and Florida has a long history with New World Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax).  The adult flies of these flesh eating...

Cool Season Fish Pond Management

North Florida’s hot humid summer seems a distant memory for now.  The cool temperatures, falling leaves, and shorter days are a welcome relief.  Since activity in and around your pond may be reduced this time of year, there are a few “cool weather” conditions  you...