by Kalyn Waters | Oct 27, 2017
Caesar’s Weed is a member of the Malvaceae family, which are typically grown for ornamental purpose. Other plants in this family include Hibiscus and Cotton. Caesar’s weed is most commonly is found in disturbed areas, pastures, and perennial crop...
by Kalyn Waters | Oct 13, 2017
Across the southeastern United States, there are several different species of Rubus (Blackberry and Dewberry). Blackberry is a common issue for pasture owners, with it also commonly growing in fence rows, and ditch banks. Lack of management will result in well...
by Kalyn Waters | Sep 29, 2017
Fall is here so it is time to prepare for winter grazing. Once you determine the variety(s) you will be planting (2017 Cool-Season Forage Variety Recommendations for Florida), the next step is to order and purchase the seed. However, not all seed is equal. While most...
by Kalyn Waters | Sep 29, 2017
Often recognized by its showy pink/purple flowers, Maypop Passion Flower is a native plant, found across the southern US. Although it is sometimes used as an ornamental plant, it can become a nuisance in pastures and along fence-rows. Once the flowers bloom, from...
by Kalyn Waters | Sep 22, 2017
Cogongrass was accidentally introduced into Alabama in the 1900’s, but intentionally brought to Florida in the 1930’s as a potential forage and soil stabilizer. Currently it can be found in 73 countries and on every continent. Since being introduced...