by Kalyn Waters | Feb 24, 2017
This week marks the end of a very successful era at the North Florida Research and Education Center in Marianna, FL . Dr. Cliff Lamb, has received the honor of being selected to serve as the Department Head and Professor for the Department of Animal Science, at the...
by Kalyn Waters | Feb 17, 2017
Synchronization protocols can be confusing, especially for producers new to Artificial Insemination (A.I.), however with a new product on the market, even the most experienced producers need to be aware of dosage differences in prostaglandin products, even if they...
by Kalyn Waters | Sep 23, 2016
According the 2007-2008 USDA Reference of Beef Cow-calf Management Practices in the United States, approximately two-thirds of cattle operations (60.7%) used an auction market as the primary method of sale for weaned steers & bulls. These auction markets are a...
by Kalyn Waters | May 6, 2016
With a warm winter in the southeast and an early spring, many producers are already noticing the presence of flies in their beef cattle herds. The most common and costly of these flies is the Horn Fly. It is estimated that economic losses due to horn flies are $36...
by Kalyn Waters | Apr 29, 2016
The Florida Heifer Development Program Annually beef cattle producers are faced with the decision of how to replace unproductive females within their herd. For most large commercial ranches, developing their own replacement heifers is a viable option, but for many...