Some Corn is off to a Slow Start

Lingering cool springtime temperatures have been a pleasure for farmers and fieldworkers, but some local corn fields have not fared as well. Below are a few photos from an irrigated field in the western panhandle which had as much attention a corn field could get. The...
Time for Thistle Control in Pastures

Time for Thistle Control in Pastures

Time for Thistle Control in Pastures Libbie Johnson, UF IFAS Escambia County Extension Most people do not scout pastures for weeds at this time of year, but this is prime time for thistles to start growing. The good news is the earlier you identify this weed and treat...

Panhandle Peanut Butter Drive a Success

3539 Jars of peanut Butter collected for Donation to Food pantries in the Florida Panhandle County Extension Offices in 15 Northwest Florida Counties took part in the “Take a bite out of HUNGER”  Peanut Butter Food Drive Campaign that concluded with Farm...