Enhancing Sustainability Options for Farmers

Enhancing Sustainability Options for Farmers

Enhancing Sustainability Options for Farmers Article by Margaret Lawrence, News Unit Manager, Alabama Cooperative Extension Weather is one of farming’s greatest challenges. But Dr. Brenda Ortiz, a corn and grain crops specialist with Alabama Extension, says farmers’...
Fireweed: A Burning Problem for Farmers

Fireweed: A Burning Problem for Farmers

Fireweed (Urtica chamaedryoides), may not be a pasture weed that causes great economic losses from competition, but it can cause distress to people who come in contact with it in their pastures or around the farm.  Also known as heartleaf nettle, this plant is...
Factors that Affect Egg Production in Chickens

Factors that Affect Egg Production in Chickens

Article by Hank Bignell, Escambia County 4-H Agriculture and Small Farms Agent Egg production is a normal part of chicken reproduction in healthy, young hens  There are many factors that can affect chicken egg production such as nutrition, daylight, and disease....
Spider Mites in West Florida Peanuts

Spider Mites in West Florida Peanuts

At this time of year, most producers are thinking about finishing their peanut crops and harvesting, but because of the late start to the season, there are still some management decisions left to be made. Northwest Florida has not had steady rains the past 6 weeks,...