Make it Pay When You Spray Your Pastures

Make it Pay When You Spray Your Pastures

I like to kill weeds. That said, just because weeds are present doesn’t always mean it makes financial sense to apply a herbicide – even a “cheap” one. Herbicide applications need to pay for themselves (chemical and application costs) by increasing the amount or...
Custom Farm Service Directory Now Available

Custom Farm Service Directory Now Available

People contact their local Extension Office on a regular basis searching for business that offer the types of unique services that farms need.  Whether it is a source to purchase hay or breeding stock, or people who can custom bale hay, build fences, mow fields, or...
Be On the Lookout for Crown Rust in Oats

Be On the Lookout for Crown Rust in Oats

Poor conditions during the fall planting window have made cool season forages a somewhat scarce commodity this Spring. Producers fortunate enough to have cool season forages, need to take the necessary steps to allow them the maximum returns from their plantings.  For...
Pasture Weeds are Coming – Be Ready

Pasture Weeds are Coming – Be Ready

Almost six months post Hurricane Michael, ranchers throughout the impacted areas are still feeling the effects of the storm. While many immediate issues caused by the storm have been addressed, the Thanks-to-Michael to-do list continues to grow as the seasons change....
Ranchers Still Plugging Along Post Michael

Ranchers Still Plugging Along Post Michael

As a County Agent, when I travel to meetings and other events I often hear the same question; “How are things in Washington County?” One of my go-to responses is “Plugging along.”  While I may generally over use the phrase, right now I feel like it accurately...