Do the Math First Before Purchasing Feed to Supplement Hay

Do the Math First Before Purchasing Feed to Supplement Hay

Two general statements to begin the discussion: Florida grass hay is generally not sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of a lactating brood cow. A fall/early winter calving season is a fairly standard practice in Northwest Florida. These two statements imply that...
Evaluate Forage Production While the Grass is Still Growing

Evaluate Forage Production While the Grass is Still Growing

There has been a delightful coolness in the air these first few “post Irma” days. Don’t be fooled, it’s not fall yet. Mid-September, in Florida, is definitely still summer and pasture grass should not be in short supply in the summer. This is a good time of year to...
Salmonella Outbreaks Linked to Contact with Live Poultry

Salmonella Outbreaks Linked to Contact with Live Poultry

Last summer the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported 611 people from 45 states got Salmonella infections from contact with their poultry.  This year, through the end of May 2017, 372 people from 47 states have gotten sick from Salmonella infections related to...
Tips for Successful Pond Weed Management

Tips for Successful Pond Weed Management

Every year as the temperatures get warmer the number of calls related to weed problems in fish ponds increases. That was the case this year also, with one notable difference; the calls started coming in March and April, not June and July as they would during a...
Cool Season Forages – What Grew Well this Year

Cool Season Forages – What Grew Well this Year

Every fall producers select which cool season forage varieties they want to utilize in their operations and by the following spring some are happy with the choices they made and others are not. In an effort to help producers make a more informed decision, UF/IFAS...