Wait on the Right Weather to Plant Bahiagrass

Wait on the Right Weather to Plant Bahiagrass

If you are thinking about planting a bahiagrass pasture in the next few weeks you may want to “hold your horses” as they say. Just because it’s warming up and the home improvement stores are running commercials featuring picturesque lawns, doesn’t mean...

Warm Season Deer Nutrition Can Pay Off in the Fall

To the chagrin of hunters across the Panhandle, deer season has drawn to a close. As the days lengthen and temperatures begin to climb many of the area’s outdoorsmen (and women) shift their efforts to pursuits of a more aquatic nature on the gulf or any of the...
Protect Your Herd from Grass Tetany this Winter

Protect Your Herd from Grass Tetany this Winter

Grass tetany is a potentially deadly condition in cattle and sheep grazing on small grains or ryegrass.  Grass tetany is a condition associated with reduced magnesium levels in the blood, and can be a serious problem for cattle and sheep producers in Northwest...

Minimize Hay Losses to Save Money

The cooler temperatures and shorter days associated with the transition from summer to fall can be a welcome change when working outside. However, it is a mixed blessing for Panhandle cattle producers. As temperatures decrease and day lengths shorten, perennial warm...