Peanut Maturity & Pest Update – 8/15/24

Peanut Maturity & Pest Update – 8/15/24

Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Extension Regional Row Crop IPM Agent & Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County     Maturity Update The Tracker below shows the number of adjusted Growing Degree Days (aGDDs) accumulated by 80 fictional fields (8 locations x 10...
Peanut Condition and Maturity Update 7/26/24

Peanut Condition and Maturity Update 7/26/24

Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Extension Regional Row Crop IPM Agent & Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County       Disease White mold had a huge impact on peanut yield last year from Jay to Marianna. The impact largely went unnoticed until harvest, when a...
Improve Your Pasture Management this Spring

Improve Your Pasture Management this Spring

Below is a pared down version of an article I wrote for the January issue of the Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal. I also addressed these topics in a presentation I gave along the same lines at the NW FL Beef Cattle Conference in February. Both the writing of...