by Mark Mauldin | Jul 16, 2021
Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, Dr. Barry Tillman Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, and Camila Ichazo I led off the last Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker with some comments to the...
by Mark Mauldin | Jul 2, 2021
Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, Dr. Barry Tillman Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, and Camila Ichazo The dry conditions many growers had back in May and the beginning of June are well behind...
by Mark Mauldin | Jun 25, 2021
Last week I posted an article detailing the rise of input costs over the last year, and offered a list of points for producers to consider with the goal of increasing revenues to help offset rising input costs. As I work through possible ways to increase...
by Mark Mauldin | Jun 18, 2021
– I have a habit, good or bad, of saving emails. There are a ridiculous number of folders in my inbox where I file away emails on the off chance that I might need the information they contain at some later date. Recently my electronic hording actually paid off....
by Mark Mauldin | Jun 11, 2021
Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, Dr. Barry Tillman Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, and Camila Ichazo The Panhandle peanut crop ranges in age from peanuts that have started blooming and are...