Mushrooms – A Crop Worth Consideration for the Back Forty

Mushrooms – A Crop Worth Consideration for the Back Forty

Mushrooms aren’t the first crop that comes to mind when designating use of the back forty.  However, it may be a crop to consider for spots with some tree cover.  And mushroom production can bring in significant revenue to the farm, because shiitake mushrooms...
Hosting an On Farm Agritourism Event: Helpful Tips

Hosting an On Farm Agritourism Event: Helpful Tips

I recently attended the North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association Agritourism Convention and Expo.  That’s quite a mouthful, so the association uses the acronym NAFDMA.  During the convention, I attended a number of talks that focused on event...
AFVGA Annual Conference & Trade Show – February 14-16

AFVGA Annual Conference & Trade Show – February 14-16

  The Alabama Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association would like to invite you to their Annual Conference & Trade Show scheduled for February 14th to 16th, at The Lodge at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  This year’s conference features a...
Storm Damage to Fruit and Nut Trees

Storm Damage to Fruit and Nut Trees

Hurricane Idalia hit the Big Bend of Florida last week causing damage to a variety of crops.  While some areas may have been devastated by flooding, fruit and nut trees were mainly affected by heavy winds.  Usually, younger trees are more susceptible to being blown...