Managing Pine Stands for Straw Production

Managing Pine Stands for Straw Production

Landowners and managers are always looking for ways to maximize the production value of their planted pine stands. Marketing pine straw is an alternative management practice, which has the potential to do just that. Pine straw is great for weed suppression in...
Disaster Preparedness for the Ranch

Disaster Preparedness for the Ranch

Even with hurricane season now in effect, it’s not too late to be prepared for a potentially damaging storm. As with having a plan for you and your family, it’s important to have a plan for your ranch. Being proactive is key to saving and protecting you and your...
Protect Your Honeybees from Undesirable Plants

Protect Your Honeybees from Undesirable Plants

Today, it seems more and more of a struggle to keep hives healthy. Diseases, parasites, exposure to pesticides, and even bear encounters are just some of the issues that beekeepers seem to constantly battle. You can add undesirable plants to that list, as well. Yes,...
Beekeeping in the Panhandle Conference Canceled

Beekeeping in the Panhandle Conference Canceled

Each year, we look forward to connecting with beekeepers in the region to share knowledge at the District-wide event. However, for unforeseen obstacles, we will be canceling this year’s Panhandle Beekeeping Conference & Trade Show, in Chipley, Florida. The event...