Dryland Corn Looks Good So Far

Dryland field corn is up and flourishing in the Big Bend Region of Florida.  Rains have been well spaced and delivering sufficient water. Corn acreage is forecast to be at its highest point in three quarters of a century.  The 97,282,000 acres nationally is an...
Corn Planting Decisions

Corn Planting Decisions

Corn prices are attractive this year due to reduced corn stocks caused by the severe drought the corn-belt experienced in 2012. This will lead to an increase in corn acres across the US, including the Florida panhandle, where growers are concerned by projections of...

Washington County Update – Wet Fields!

There is a growing anxiety about the corn harvest with its high moisture content and lack of available storage. Field conditions are wet making it hard for equipment to cross fields. Cotton fields need to dry out or disease pressure will rise. Diseases such as white...

Washington County Update – Everything is Growing

Frequent rains over the past week have everything growing rapidly, weeds included. Rust in soybeans, white mold in peanuts and beans, and leaf spot in cotton have made appearances. Almost everyone is behind on their spray schedule which is a big concern. Some fields...

Washington County Update

Timely showers have crops in very good shape. Corn harvest is underway. Peanuts, cotton and soybeans are progressing nicely.  Hay harvest is halted until fair weather but forages are continue to grow rapidly.  The condition of cattle is good with good pasture...