Cotton Marketing News:  June Report Sends Mixed Signals

Cotton Marketing News: June Report Sends Mixed Signals

Don Shurley, Cotton Economist, UGA Emeritus Professor Last week’s USDA monthly crop production and supply and demand estimates contained some good news and some bad news.  Overall, I’d have to consider the report somewhat bearish. The market (new crop December futures...
Cotton Marketing News: Prices Weaker But Remain Above Support

Cotton Marketing News: Prices Weaker But Remain Above Support

According to the latest USDA Crop Progress report, the US cotton crop was 63 percent planted as of May 28th—essentially at the average for that date.  In the Southeast, planting progress is at a normal level with exception of North Carolina and Virginia being behind...
Control Options for Thrips in Peanuts and Cotton

Control Options for Thrips in Peanuts and Cotton

Planting season is well under way, with some producers nearing completion of peanut, and cotton planting. Annually, thrips are problematic in early panted cotton and peanut. It will be important to keep an eye on thrips populations as seedlings emerge, and the weeks...
2016 Cotton Nematicide Trial Results

2016 Cotton Nematicide Trial Results

Plant-parasitic nematodes can drastically suppress cotton yield, often without noticeable above-ground symptoms.  For this reason, nematode management is an important part of a successful operation.  Nematicides, pesticides that target nematodes, can be a useful...