Post-Harvest Tips for Palmer Pigweed Control

Post-Harvest Tips for Palmer Pigweed Control

Many Florida cotton and peanut farmers have been fighting Palmer amaranth (pigweed) all season.  With harvest is just around the corner, many farmers begin to relax their weed control efforts.  Regrettably, you can’t give up on this horrible weed yet.  With daytime...
Cotton Marketing News:  Prices Slip

Cotton Marketing News: Prices Slip

In a recent newsletter, I referred to the sudden increase in cotton prices as “Christmas in July.”  Well, as we all know, the new wears off eventually—even for Christmas gifts.  July was a good month, but so far August has not been. Prices have come under...
Cotton Marketing News:  Christmas in July

Cotton Marketing News: Christmas in July

The calendar says July; but for the cotton grower it’s Christmas.  This week’s USDA monthly supply and demand numbers were an unexpected gift.  The market reacted positively and let’s hope prices can sustain the new-found optimism. Even if prices...