Panhandle Cotton Insect Situation

Panhandle Cotton Insect Situation

  Cotton throughout the area is squaring heavily and most of our oldest cotton is probably a week away from first bloom. There are reports of some fields being treated for tarnished plant bugs feeding on pinhead squares. It’s important to scout fields carefully...
Cotton Marketing News:  A Few Thoughts Ahead of the Acreage Report

Cotton Marketing News: A Few Thoughts Ahead of the Acreage Report

Maybe it’s just me, but this year’s USDA Acreage report seems to be on the back burner.  Usually there is pre-report speculation on the June number and how it might compare to the March Prospective Plantings number.  I’m not seeing or hearing much this year.  For what...

Cotton Marketing News: A Watchful Summer Lies Ahead

The 64-cent area (Dec16 futures prices) seems to be the limit that this market is willing to go at this point.  Additional positive market factors could take us to 66 cents—but 64 cents has been tested twice over the past month or so and the market shows no ability,...
Cotton Marketing News:  Prices Get a Much Needed Bounce

Cotton Marketing News: Prices Get a Much Needed Bounce

April was a good month for cotton prices.  So far, May has not been.  Prices do seem to be attempting somewhat of a recovery, however.  Both old crop July futures and new crop December futures have bounced back to recover about half of the decline we’ve experienced so...