Cotton Marketing News: On the Ropes, But Trying to Hold On

Don Shurley, University of Georgia The past few weeks have not been kind to cotton. Prices (Dec15 futures) have broken down through that important “trend of increasing support” line and have threatened to move lower. Some analysts believe we are headed to the upper...

Reducing Water Demand for Agriculture

Dan Dourte, Ron Bartel, Sheeja George, David Wright, Jim Marois, UF/IFAS NFREC Cotton and peanuts are grown on nearly 2 million irrigated acres in the Southeastern U.S. The consumptive water use for irrigation has significantly impacted groundwater resources, spring...

Manage Potassium to Control Cotton Stemphylium Leafspot

Now is the time to implement potassium (K) management plans for cotton. Late-season K deficiency is linked to cotton leafspot (Stemphylium) disease. Stemphylium begins with minor leaf spotting and can lead to severe premature defoliation under certain circumstances....

Crop Pest Patrol Hotline

Syngenta has sponsored a Pest Patrol Hotline for row crop producers.  Each week the Pest Patrol Hotline (toll free call) offers timely pest updates from leading university entomologists. Listen to recorded messages that provide reports on current threat levels, local...