Managing Winter Pastures

Winter feeding of the cow herd accounts for 40 to 50% of the total variable cost for producing weaned calves. Because winter nutrition is vital to both the calf’s health and the cows reproductive performance, adequate nutrition is essential. Cool season grasses...

Pigweed Suppression Using a Ryegrass Cover Crop

Dr. Henry Grant, County Extension Director, Gadsden County Extension Service Annually, variety recommendations are given to livestock producers for planting cool season grasses such as oats, rye, and ryegrass as a standard to provide winter and spring forage for their...

Rye Cover Crop Holds Saturated Ground

It wasn’t raining on April 1st, when the inaugural Florida Soil Health and Cover Crop tour was held.  Participants heard descriptions of the value of a winter cover crop , such as cereal rye, in the production of a warm season cash crop. “Discover the Cover” was...
Cover Crops

Cover Crops

Cover crops have been used by agricultural producers for thousands of years.  However, we have seen a decline in cover crop use over the past century, as the use of commercial fertilizers have increased.  Even though they are readily available and easy to use,...
Managing Crimson Clover to Reseed

Managing Crimson Clover to Reseed

Crimson clover is one of North Florida’s best cool season forages. Its feed quality is high and it puts an estimated 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre back into the soil each year, the equivalent of six and a quarter bags of 32% nitrogen. At a cost of fourteen dollars a...