2016 NASS Farm Land Rent and Labor Survey Summary

2016 NASS Farm Land Rent and Labor Survey Summary

Some of the most challenging conversations, in almost any relationship, are the ones about money.  This is certainly true as land owners and farmers, or managers and laborers negotiate for the year ahead. It can be pretty challenging to determine what is a fair price...

2016 Corn Variety Trial Summary from Jay, Florida

Santa Rosa County is not a major corn producer, as compared to the Midwest, but farmers there do grow 600-800 acres of field corn each year. These producers plant corn as a summer rotational crop, some for cattle feed, and a significant acreage is planted and sold to...
Cover Crop Mixture Considerations for 2017

Cover Crop Mixture Considerations for 2017

  As dry as this Fall has been, planting cover crops has not been a priority or an option for many producers in the Florida Panhandle. One Escambia County grower planted an interesting cover crop mixture that has garnered a lot of attention locally this summer....