by btillman | Jan 19, 2018
After attending the annual meeting of the National Association of Plant Breeders in Davis, California last summer, I took a couple of days to drive down to Sequoia National Park to see the Giant Sequoia trees. As I walked through the forest, these trees were so large...
by Xavier Martini | Jan 5, 2018
Xavier Martini, Pete Andersen, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center In May 2017, Asian citrus psyllids (Diaphorina citri) were found in the experimental citrus grove at the Suwannee Valley Extension Center in Live Oak. The trees were quickly treated...
by Ethan Carter | Oct 13, 2017
After back to back mild winters, the 2017 growing season has been a banner year for pests. Prolonged cold weather normally diminishes pest populations, but this year pests of all types survived winter with populations that have increased dramatically. Most of the...
by Zane Grabau | Sep 29, 2017
I’ve had the opportunity to visit a number of grower fields this summer to assess potential nematode damage and I’ve often been asked this question: “Why is nematode damage worse in one section of a field than another, or worse in one field than another one...
by Jennifer Bearden | Aug 18, 2017
It happens every year. You cruise peanut fields and see spots of yellowing in a field. The million dollar question is, “What is causing this yellowing?” Unfortunately, there are many answers to this question. Problems that cause yellowing in peanuts can Include:...