Friday Feature:  The Peanut Program Works

Friday Feature: The Peanut Program Works

This week’s featured video was developed by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation.   They have launched  a campaign called The Peanut Program Works to provide support for the Price Loss Coverage or PLC Program implemented with the 2014 Farm Bill, as lawmakers...
Control Options for Thrips in Peanuts and Cotton

Control Options for Thrips in Peanuts and Cotton

Planting season is well under way, with some producers nearing completion of peanut, and cotton planting. Annually, thrips are problematic in early panted cotton and peanut. It will be important to keep an eye on thrips populations as seedlings emerge, and the weeks...
The Role of Stress Memory on Peanut Seed Quality

The Role of Stress Memory on Peanut Seed Quality

Kelly Racette, Diane Rowland and Barry Tillman, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department For as long as crops have been domesticated, farmers have been selecting seed from the best performing plants; based primarily on their yield and relative performance. In some cases, a plant...

Palmer Amaranth Adaptability

Dr. Ramon Leon and Dr. Jay Ferrell, Extension Weed Specialists – West Florida REC, Jay and Agronomy Department, University of Florida Palmer amaranth, commonly referred to as Palmer pigweed, is perhaps the most problematic weed in the southern USA, especially in...