Friday Feature:  What it Takes to Farm Peanuts

Friday Feature: What it Takes to Farm Peanuts

October is peanut harvest season, but it is also the month of the Peanut Butter Challenge across Florida.  To celebrate the kickoff of the Peanut Butter Challenge, I thought it would be a great time to share this wonderful video published by Georgia Public...
9/22/23 Peanut Maturity Update – The End is Near

9/22/23 Peanut Maturity Update – The End is Near

  We’ve made it to Fall and pleasant surprise, it actually feels fall-like outside (at least by Florida standards). As you would expect, with us moving into Fall we are seeing the peanut growing season really starting to wind down. Unfortunately, the hand...
2023 WFREC Extension Farm Field Day Highlights

2023 WFREC Extension Farm Field Day Highlights

On August 24, 2023, the West Florida Research and Education Center (WFREC) hosted an Extension Farm Field Day that brought together farmers, researchers, and agriculture enthusiasts for a day of learning, networking, and celebrating the agricultural innovations of the...
Peanut Maturity Update – Read Before You Dig

Peanut Maturity Update – Read Before You Dig

  The peanut growing season is winding down. In the Peninsular counties, lots of peanuts are already out of the field and here in the Panhandle harvest is coming on fast. The calendar says it’s time to dig mid-April planted peanuts, but peanuts don’t...
Is That Bad Patch in My Field Caused by Sting Nematodes?

Is That Bad Patch in My Field Caused by Sting Nematodes?

All growers have them. That patch in a field (or a few fields), that just isn’t quite right. Maybe the plants are just smaller than the rest of the field. Maybe the plants are a little discolored. Or really discolored. Maybe the stand is poor. That bad patch could be...