Peanut Maturity Determination

As we head into August, it is not too early to begin pulling samples of peanuts to determine optimum harvest dates.  With the erratic and wet growing season that we have had thus far in our peanut fields, determination of when to harvest is going to be a vitally...
White Mold Confirmed in Santa Rosa Peanut Trial

White Mold Confirmed in Santa Rosa Peanut Trial

There are confirmed hits of white mold in the Extension Peanut Fungicide trial here in Santa Rosa County, up to 3 hits per 25 foot of row. White mold is one of those diseases that can be field diagnosed with near 100% accuracy when the small BB-like, mustard seed...

Conditions are Prime for White Mold in Peanuts

Peanuts in Santa Rosa County got off to a dry, slow start, with many fields requiring insecticide treatments for thrips. Now that the typical summer rains have set in, peanuts are growing well with a nice canopy, and have for the most part, overcome the early season...
Early Season Peanut Weed Control

Early Season Peanut Weed Control

The weather in May has been hot and dry across the panhandle. A hot, dry May combined with late cold fronts in April has proven to be a challenge for peanut growers trying to get their crop planted. Many have had to postpone planting due to a lack of soil moisture....
Peanut Proud Oklahoma Tornado Victim Relief

Peanut Proud Oklahoma Tornado Victim Relief

  Peanut Proud, the humanitarian arm of the Peanut Industry, is mobilizing a joint effort to help families in Oklahoma who have suffered from the devastating tornadoes.  For this cause, the Florida Peanut Producers Association has donated $3,500, and the Georgia...
Kudzu Bug Makes First Appearance in Wakulla County

Kudzu Bug Makes First Appearance in Wakulla County

The Kudzu Bug also known as the bean plataspid (Megacopta cribraria, Fabricius), was discovered in the Sopchoppy area of western Wakulla County last week populating a citrus tree.  Kudzu bugs are native to East Asia and were first detected in northeastern Georgia in...