Field Report:  Sick Oats in the Panhandle

Field Report: Sick Oats in the Panhandle

Ethan Carter, Crop IPM Regional Agent and Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder Crop aftershocks related to last week’s weather conditions (cold, overcast, and wet) were felt this week across in the Florida Panhandle. Growers reported a variety of symptoms in their oat...

Temporary Pastures Can Hide Ugly Surprises

Using row crop land for cool season grazing is one of the great opportunities for North Florida livestock operations. Early crops come out in time to allow seedbed preparation for planting, and late harvested crops can be aerially over-seeded with ryegrass. Corn and...
Panhandle Farm Facts from the 2012 Census of Agriculture

Panhandle Farm Facts from the 2012 Census of Agriculture

Every five years the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) sends out in-depth surveys to farmers called the Census of Agriculture, with numerous questions about specific farming operations.  While most...
Crown Rust Outbreak in North Florida Oats

Crown Rust Outbreak in North Florida Oats

Crown rust (Puccinia coranata) was found in over 3000 acres of oats in Levy, Suwannee and Madison counties in the last week. The most notable characteristic of the fungus is small pustules which contain orange-yellow spores. Rubbing the leaf with your fingers or a...