Friday Feature:  Gainesville College Town

Friday Feature: Gainesville College Town

We did not publish an issue of Panhandle Ag e-News last week, because so many of our team were serving at the Sunbelt Ag Expo, in Moultrie, Georgia .  We had a great time talking with thousands of people about UF/IFAS and what it means to the people of our state. ...
Friday Feature:  Burrowing Owls Love Florida Ranchlands

Friday Feature: Burrowing Owls Love Florida Ranchlands

This week’s featured video was published by the Archbold Biological Station, located on the 10,500 acre Buck Island Ranch, in Highlands County.  Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia floridana) are one of Florida’s smallest owl species and they live in...
Friday Feature:  Cattle Traceability Update from CattleTrace

Friday Feature: Cattle Traceability Update from CattleTrace

This week’s featured video was published by U.S. CattleTrace, which is a non-profit organization, formed by multiple state cattlmen’s associations and private industry, with the mission of securely maintaining and managing the data collected for disease...
Featured Video:  Mind Your Melon Farmer Wellness Study

Featured Video: Mind Your Melon Farmer Wellness Study

This week’s featured video was produced by the Mind Your Melon project to promote an ongoing study on the mental health of farmers, farm workers, and agricultural industry professionals in Florida.  The following is a short summary that explains the project and...
Friday Feature:  Pineapple Farming and Processing

Friday Feature: Pineapple Farming and Processing

This week’s featured video was published by Farm World of Australia to highlight the farm production, harvest, and processing of a very unique tropical fruit, pineapples.  Pineapples are a tropical fruit that is primarily grown in other countries around the...