Tips for Controlling Armyworms in Hay Fields

Tips for Controlling Armyworms in Hay Fields

Every summer, fall armyworm moths fly up from South Florida to lay their eggs in well fertilized hay fields and forage crops in the the tri-state region.  The timing of the first major infestations varies from year to year, from May through August.  Judging by reports...
Stem Maggots Coming to Panhandle Bermudagrass Fields

Stem Maggots Coming to Panhandle Bermudagrass Fields

Bermudagrass Stem Maggot Likely to Increase in North Florida Liza Garcia-Jimenez, UF/IFAS NFREC IPM Program The first high populations of Bermudagrass stem maggot (BSM), Atherigona reversura, are now occurring in Central Florida and likely will be seen in North...
UF/IFAS Seeks Input from Hay Producers on Stem Maggot Damage

UF/IFAS Seeks Input from Hay Producers on Stem Maggot Damage

Atherigona reversura is the scientific name of the bermudagrass stem maggot, a new invasive fly from south Asia which damages bermudagrass pasture and hay fields.  This pest was first discovered in 2009 in California and in 2010 in Georgia, and since these initial...
Grazing Management Can Improve Pasture Fertility

Grazing Management Can Improve Pasture Fertility

Jose Dubeux – UF/IFAS NFREC Forage Management Specialist Introduction-How much of the nutrients cattle consume are recycled back to the pasture? Livestock consume nutrients contained in forages and feeds and return most of them to the pasture in their waste in the...

Panhandle Ag Team hosts Florida Forage Workers Training

The Panhandle Agriculture Extension Team and the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) teamed up to host a training for the UF/IFAS Faculty who work with forages and livestock in Marianna, on April 7th and 8th .  Jose Dubeux, NFREC Forage Management...