Grazing Management – Making the Most of the Available Forage

Grazing Management – Making the Most of the Available Forage

As I travel around Jackson County lately I have noticed that pasture grass is in short supply on most livestock operations.  The combination of flash drought (95-102° temperatures without rainfall) and little fertilization of pastures has taken its toll.  To me the...
Alabama Extension’s Basic Forage Online Course

Alabama Extension’s Basic Forage Online Course

Alabama Extension has developed an online course called Forage Basics that will be available starting September 1st.  This course is a collaboration among extension specialists and Auburn University College of Agriculture faculty, with financial support from a grant...
How Weed Infestations in Pastures affect Cattle Performance?

How Weed Infestations in Pastures affect Cattle Performance?

Jose Dubeux, Luana Queiroz, Erick Santos, Martin Ruiz-Moreno, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Marianna Weed encroachment in grasslands results in large economic losses to livestock enterprises. Weeds compete for water, light, and nutrients, and...