Spiderwort Spreading and Could Become a Hay Field Pest

Spiderwort Spreading and Could Become a Hay Field Pest

This time each spring you can see purple flowering plants up and down roadsides all across North Florida.  Common Spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis), a.k.a. bluejacket, blooms really make the plants standout this time of year.  Typically the blooms are most noticeable...

Highlights and Presentations from the 2015 Beef Conference

More than 160 cattle ranchers, allied industry representatives, extension agents and specialists came together to make the 30th annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference one of the best ever.  The boost in attendance from previous years was, without a doubt, thanks to...
Winter Burns Benefit Bermudagrass Hay Fields

Winter Burns Benefit Bermudagrass Hay Fields

Now is an excellent time to begin planning controlled burns of bermudagrass hay fields in north Florida.  Weather conditions in late January and February are typically our best for getting a good controlled burn, especially with the recent hard cold weather that we...
Fertilizer Basics for Pastures and Hay Fields

Fertilizer Basics for Pastures and Hay Fields

Soil fertility and plant nutrient management is an important part of agroecosystems. Agroecological approaches to soil fertility and nutrient management begin with soil testing. A soil test will tell you soil pH. Soil pH affects the availability of nutrients to the...