Preparing for Winter Weeds in Pastures

Preparing for Winter Weeds in Pastures

With the weather remaining relatively warm later in the season, winter weeds may be slow to get their start. Drought throughout much of the Panhandle has added to their sluggishness. That however, does not mean they’ve given up. Even if you haven’t noticed them in...
Preparing for Cool-season Cover Crops

Preparing for Cool-season Cover Crops

Cheryl Mackowiak, UF/IFAS (Soil fertility/water quality) & Ann Blount, UF/IFAS (Forage breeding/genetics) Now is the time to purchase your cool-season cover crop seed! Cover crops are used to protect bare soil over the winter months and for grazing in planted...
Tight Margins Call for Proactive Cattle Feeding Management

Tight Margins Call for Proactive Cattle Feeding Management

First things first, I’m not writing this to scold anybody… I’m just concerned. I wrote an article for the Small Producer’s Corner section of the September issue of The Florida Cattleman and Livestock Journal (it’s a great publication,join FCA today, a subscription is...