Scout Your Fence Rows for Cherry Trees

This spring has been cooler than most and many areas just now have grass that is coming along. It is this time of year that cows will seek out tender green foliage while browsing. Cherry trees are prolific fruit producers that serve as a food source for many native...
Grazing Management Can Improve Pasture Fertility

Grazing Management Can Improve Pasture Fertility

Jose Dubeux – UF/IFAS NFREC Forage Management Specialist Introduction-How much of the nutrients cattle consume are recycled back to the pasture? Livestock consume nutrients contained in forages and feeds and return most of them to the pasture in their waste in the...

Panhandle Ag Team hosts Florida Forage Workers Training

The Panhandle Agriculture Extension Team and the North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) teamed up to host a training for the UF/IFAS Faculty who work with forages and livestock in Marianna, on April 7th and 8th .  Jose Dubeux, NFREC Forage Management...

What is the Best Grass for Pastures in the Panhandle?

Spring is here, and the number of calls that come in to the local Extension Office increases dramatically with the warmer weather.  One question that often comes this time of year is “What grass I should plant for a pasture?”  Whether this a new field, or a field that...
Thistle Control in Pastures

Thistle Control in Pastures

This is a time when most people are not thinking about pasture maintenance, but right now is when thistles are the most susceptible to control efforts. In January/February, most thistles are still in the rosette stage (a small ring of leaves on top of the ground) and...