UF/IFAS Extension Surveying Bermuda & Bahia Pasture Decline

Over the last several months, reports of stand losses and decline for both Bermuda and Bahia grass pastures and hay fields have been coming in to Extension Offices across the Southeast.  Some ranchers have lost 25%-40% of their stand in certain fields, while a few...

Armyworms on the March in Hay Fields

Army worms are actively feeding in large numbers on bermudagrass hay fields in Washington and neighboring counties.  If left unnoticed these foliage feeders will take a forage stand near harvest down to a few small stems in just a matter of days. Therefore producers...

Additional Rains Improve Washington County Situation

Rains over the past week have greatly improved crop and pasture conditions in Washington County.  The watermelon, sweet corn, and vegetable harvests are proceeding at a rapid pace. Peanuts and cotton are responding well to recent rains. Cattle conditions are improving...