Horse Nettle Blooming in Wakulla County

Delicate flowers disguise the potential problems of Horsenettle. The dainty yellow and white flowers belie the disaster potential of the plants. Horsenettles (Solanum carolinense) are blooming and producing fruit in Wakulla County. Horsenettle can be a serious weed...

Washington County Conditions Improve, Melon Harvest Underway

Rains this week have provided enough moisture for Washington County farmers to resume planting. A byproduct of the recent dry weather is weed control has been difficult for crops in some fields.  Herbicides are not as effective, if at all, when the targeted plant is...

Groundpearls in Tifton 9 Bahiagrass Pasture

I recently visited  a farm that was experiencing significant stand loss in an 80 acre field of Tifton 9 Bahiagrass.  Upon closer examination the culprit was determined to be ground pearls, as seen in the photo at left.  This was the first time that this Extension...

Leafspot/Rust in Bermudagrass Hayfields

I have observed bermudagrass leafspot/rust in several commercial hayfields of Russell Bermudagrass in Holmes County over the last few weeks.  Typically this is something that is observed later in the growing season during hot, humid weather.  Even though Russell is...

Washington County Farmers Waiting For The Next Rain

Generally, soil conditions are very dry in Washington County. High winds early in the week of April 23, 2012, greatly stressed vine crops (melons). Pastures are critically short of moisture and need rain, as do most fields undergoing land preparation. Several fields...

Washington County Update

Much needed rain on Wednesday, April 18, help pastures make a rapid recovery from drought-stress. The rain has not slowed land preparation for cotton and peanuts.  Growers are proceeding at a rapid pace. Watermelons are ahead or on schedule for an early harvest, and...