Managing Winter Pastures

Winter feeding of the cow herd accounts for 40 to 50% of the total variable cost for producing weaned calves. Because winter nutrition is vital to both the calf’s health and the cows reproductive performance, adequate nutrition is essential. Cool season grasses...
Fertilizer Basics for Pastures and Hay Fields

Fertilizer Basics for Pastures and Hay Fields

Soil fertility and plant nutrient management is an important part of agroecosystems. Agroecological approaches to soil fertility and nutrient management begin with soil testing. A soil test will tell you soil pH. Soil pH affects the availability of nutrients to the...

Temporary Pastures Can Hide Ugly Surprises

Using row crop land for cool season grazing is one of the great opportunities for North Florida livestock operations. Early crops come out in time to allow seedbed preparation for planting, and late harvested crops can be aerially over-seeded with ryegrass. Corn and...

Are You Getting Your Money’s Worth from Your Hay?

Hay feeding is a common practice for many beef cattle enterprises in North Florida. The key question is, are you getting all of the value you expected out of that bale of hay? Multiple factors affect the value and profitability surrounding hay feeding of beef cattle....
Looking Forward:  UF/IFAS Forage Breeding Update

Looking Forward: UF/IFAS Forage Breeding Update

It is hot outside and the furthest thing from most cattleman’s minds is what forages to plant this fall. Next week, the University of Georgia, Auburn University, and University of Florida forage workers meet to discuss winter forage trial results from this past year...

Know your Hay, B, C’s!

Hay storage is a little different from the days in the picture above (1913), but two things haven’t changed. Hay is never any better quality than it is when it’s cut, and all kinds of things happen to reduce the quantity of hay that makes it into the...