by Shep Eubanks | Apr 26, 2019
Encroachment of centipede grass even to the point of taking over a field of once vigorous bahiagrass or bermudagrass is an all too common occurrence. Each year extension agents receive calls to look at and help landowners rectify a situation similar to the one in the...
by Mark Mauldin | Apr 26, 2019
I like to kill weeds. That said, just because weeds are present doesn’t always mean it makes financial sense to apply a herbicide – even a “cheap” one. Herbicide applications need to pay for themselves (chemical and application costs) by increasing the amount or...
by Doug Mayo | Nov 2, 2018
There are a variety of programs from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that will be available to help farmers, ranchers, and timberland owners in the counties effected by Hurricane Michael. The majority of the programs are administered through the...
by Les Harrison | Nov 2, 2018
Hurricane Michael will always be recalled as a milestone in the lives of many Florida Panhandle residents. The course of people’s lives has been altered irrevocably. Depending on the location within the storm’s footprint, the damage was minor to absolutely...
by Mark Mauldin | Nov 17, 2017
Two general statements to begin the discussion: Florida grass hay is generally not sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of a lactating brood cow. A fall/early winter calving season is a fairly standard practice in Northwest Florida. These two statements imply that...
by Kalyn Waters | Nov 17, 2017
Black Cherry is common across the southern half of the United States. Mature trees span from 50 to 90 feet tall with an oval silhouette shape, and low branches that normally droop to the ground. This native tree is commonly used for landscaping but can also be found...