Hurricane Impacted Timberlands – Availble Resources

Hurricane Impacted Timberlands – Availble Resources

  Hurricane Michael was particularly devastating to the timber industry in the Central Panhandle. The Florida Forest Service has released a report quantifying the extent of the damage. As we move from emergency response, towards recovery there are a variety of...
Weed of the Week: Arrowleaf Sida “Teaweed”

Weed of the Week: Arrowleaf Sida “Teaweed”

Arrowleaf Sida is commonly known as teaweed, ironweed, or southern sida. It is a spring emerging broadleaf commonly found in pastures, pinelands, hammocks, and disturbed areas. Arrowleaf Sida is a native plant found from South Carolina, throughout Florida, and as far...
Land Clearing Can Lure Ambrosia Beetles

Land Clearing Can Lure Ambrosia Beetles

Questions come into the Extension Office from time to time about why sawdust is accumulating around remaining trees on recently cleared or developed tracks of forested land. The sawdust is more than likely a sign that ambrosia beetles are on the offensive. The...
Weed of the Week: Cogongrass

Weed of the Week: Cogongrass

Cogongrass was accidentally introduced into Alabama in the 1900’s, but intentionally brought to Florida in the 1930’s as a potential forage and soil stabilizer. Currently it can be found in 73 countries and on every continent. Since being introduced...