Apps for Agriculture

As smart phones and tablets increase in use among farmers they may want to take a look at some of the apps that are currently available for use on these devices.  There are several that I currently use that are worth taking a look at if you are a farmer or land...

Making Short-term Investments in Efficiency in the Good Times

Florida agriculture has remained viable and strong through the current economic downturn. The widely held view of financial vigor may have some long-term effects on commodity prices. Negotiations are heating up in Washington D.C. on the 2012 Farm Bill and all...

Forest Stewardship Workshop: Grow Timber Revenue June 19

The Florida Forest Stewardship Program will host the Grow Timber Revenue workshop on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at the Jackson County Extension Agriculture Conference Center, in Marianna. This program will provide guidance on timber management and marketing strategies to...