Hemp Diseases in North Florida

Hemp Diseases in North Florida

Fanny Iriarte, Josh Freeman, Rui Yan, and Matthews Paret, UF/IFAS North Flroida Research and Education Center – The following are a collection of hemp diseases and the associated symptoms for diagnosis, as well as management tips to reduce yield loss or plant...
Farming System Alternatives – Focusing on the Natural

Farming System Alternatives – Focusing on the Natural

There are many farming systems utilized world-wide, with conventional agriculture being the most prevalent. However, alternative systems, like organic and all-natural farming, are becoming more popular than ever before. – Organic Farming With any farming system,...
Friday Feature:  Soil Health – Theory of Change

Friday Feature: Soil Health – Theory of Change

This week’s featured video was published by the Soil Health Institute to share the huge need to focus on improving the health and productivity of agricultural soils.  With an ever growing world population, and shrinking acreage of productive farmland, the only...