2023 Average Farmland Rent and Farm-Worker Wages

2023 Average Farmland Rent and Farm-Worker Wages

  Discussions about money can be awkward in almost every type of relationship, but even more so between landowners and farmers, or employers and employees.  As we begin 2024, many farmers and landowners have begun discussions about renewing leases and farmland...
Tools to Aid Freeze & Cold Protection in Florida Citrus

Tools to Aid Freeze & Cold Protection in Florida Citrus

Because of the extended hard freeze event in December of 2022, citrus farmers in the Panhandle will have a greatly reduced citrus harvest this year. It is very hard to prepare in advance for stressful weather like freezing temperatures, but if you equip yourself with...
Gadsden Tomato Forum – December 7

Gadsden Tomato Forum – December 7

  Tomato growers from across the Florida Panhandle, as well as Southern Georgia and Alabama, are invited to attend the 2023 Gadsden Tomato Forum. The workshop will be held at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, in Quincy (155 Research Road,...