by Doug Mayo | May 27, 2016
Brad Buck, UF/IFAS Communications Situation The Q-biotype whitefly, a significant tropical and subtropical pest, may threaten Florida crops such as tomatoes, squash, beans, watermelons and many other vegetables and ornamentals if immediate measures are not taken to...
by Josh Freeman | Apr 22, 2016
It happens every year, usually the second week of May, but this year it looks like it may be next week. We are strolling right along, crops are moving beautifully, weather is nearly perfect, and then it happens. Summer shows up. And it often seems to do so very...
by Nicholas Dufault | Jan 29, 2016
So far, mild winter temperatures and ample rainfall have led to multiple disease issues in many of northern Florida’s winter crops (e.g. forages). While temperatures are predicted to be below normal for the months February, March and April, it is projected that...
by Judy Biss | Jan 22, 2016
It won’t be long until row crops and vegetable gardens are planted and thriving once again next spring. A sometimes taken for granted, yet critical element of any prosperous crop is successful pollination. Most of us know what “text book” pollination means, but did...
by Matthew Orwat | Dec 18, 2015
I’ve heard it said there’s no such thing as a vegetable that grows fast, tastes good, and is cheap….well they must not have considered the radish! If a fast growing, quick producing vegetable is desired, nothing is better than a radish. Radishes can...
by Josh Freeman | Nov 13, 2015
Plastic mulch technology has come a long way in the last 15 years and has made another exponential jump in the last 5 years. Traditionally plastic films used in plasticulture production systems were simple, single layer low density polyethylene films. These are...