by Doug Mayo | Nov 9, 2012
UF/IFAS Extension has an extensive publications website, called EDIS (Electronic Data Information Source). Here are some of the new publications added this month that may be of interest to you: Bottling, Labeling and Selling Honey in Florida (ENY159/IN918) In 2011,...
by Allison Meharg | Oct 19, 2012
Food safety is a hot topic these days! Headlines are grabbing our attention concerning food borne illness, contamination, and widespread disease outbreaks at restaurants, grocery stores, and even farmers markets. Proper food safety practices are important for all...
by Blake Thaxton | Aug 24, 2012
Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) has been identified in Santa Rosa County on pumpkins, Cucurbita pepo. Downy Mildew (DM) can be devastating on cucurbits in fall plantings. The disease occurs in temperate and tropic areas with adequate leaf wetness, usually...
by Les Harrison | Jul 6, 2012
Neither heat, nor drought, or seldom pesticides will keep the leaf footed plant bug off your tomatoes and other vegetables. This insect sucks juices from your fruit or vegetable leaving light colored marks on your fruit caused by cell distortion. Both nymphs and...
by Allison Meharg | Jun 22, 2012
The local food movement’s growth has fueled interested in urban farms. For small operations in the extreme west part of panhandle Florida, one production method rising in popularity is raised bed hydroponics. It is simply what the title implies: a raised bed lined...
by Matthew Orwat | May 7, 2012
Older NymphThe Eastern Lubber Grasshopper, also known colloquially as the “Georgia Thumper”, can be highly destructive to a variety of vegetable crops. This May many growers and vegetable gardeners have reported unusually high numbers of nymphs, the juvenile form of...