Reducing Beef Herd Costs in a Deflated Market

Reducing Beef Herd Costs in a Deflated Market

There is no question that cattle ranchers will have to make some challenging decisions to reduce expenses in the face of a deflated cattle market.  Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Regional Livestock Economist provided the chart above, which tracks the US weekly average for 550...
Culling Considerations for Beef Females

Culling Considerations for Beef Females

One of the toughest decisions for producers to make is to when to pull the trigger to cull or sell off breeding animals from their herd. Often times these cows have been part of the production cycle on a farm for several years, and have made a significant contribution...
2017 Beef Conference Presentations and Highlights

2017 Beef Conference Presentations and Highlights

The 32nd annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference & Trade Show was held on February 8, 2017 in Marianna, at the Jackson County Extension Office.  Five speakers provided information to help beef cattle ranchers focus on “Crucial Management in Challenging...
January Florida Cattle Market Price Watch

January Florida Cattle Market Price Watch

The August 2017 Feeder Cattle futures contract decreased by $1.20/cwt. during January.  Based on this futures price decrease, August Feeder Cattle revenues decreased by approximately $9.00/head ($1.20/cwt. * 7.5 cwt.) on a 750-pound feeder steer which amounts to...