by Michael Goodchild | Jun 12, 2015
It can be cost-prohibitive to run power lines long distances to provide electricity for pumping water to livestock tanks. One alternative is to install a solar water system. Solar water pumps can be used to pump water from wells, ponds or creeks. Even if you have to...
by Jennifer Bearden | Feb 6, 2015
Several cases of monensin toxicity in horses have been reported in the Southeastern U.S. over that last few months. Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic that is commonly added to livestock feeds such as poultry and cattle feeds. This is a safe feed additive for...
by Doug Mayo | Dec 19, 2014
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Announces Online Hay and Grazing Acres Locator Tool For many years, FSA’s Hay Net website has been the “go to” online resource for agricultural producers to list information concerning the need...
by Doug Mayo | Oct 24, 2014
Just as soil testing can provide vital information on how to fertilize crops, forage testing can provide vital information on how to supplement hay fed to livestock. Feed and fertilizer are simply too valuable these days to simply guess, or just use the same amount...