by Kalyn Waters | Jun 3, 2019
Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent, and Kalyn Waters, Holmes County Agricultural Agent Trees, fences, and uneven ground can make applying pesticides to pastures with a boom-type sprayer challenging. One way to avoid these hazards is to utilize a boomless sprayer....
by Ethan Carter | Mar 15, 2019
The 2019 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course was Thursday, March 7, 2019. Extension Specialists from Florida and Georgia spoke to attendees providing production recommendations and various management tips for row crops farmers. Continuing education units (CEUs) were...
by Michael Mulvaney | Mar 1, 2019
Michael J. Mulvaney,WFREC Cropping Systems Specialsits, Cheryl Mackowiak, NFREC Soil Specialist, David Wright, NFREC Agonomy Specialist, Barry Tillman, NFREC Peanut Breeder, Pat Minogue, NFREC Forestry Specialist The path of Hurricane Michael left an estimated 2.8...
by Doug Mayo | Mar 1, 2019
This week’s featured video was produced by SunUp TV, which is Oklahoma State Extension’s Television show for producers in their state. The topic of this video is the value of rotating or continuously moving hay feeding stations to different locations in a...
by Matt Lollar | Feb 8, 2019
Proper plant nutrition is key to a successful vegetable crop. Too little fertilizer reduces yields. Too much fertilizer, though not always harmful to the crop, can be economically detrimental to the farm and can negatively impact the environment. Also, over...
by Pratap Devkota | Feb 1, 2019
Pratap Devkota, UF/IFAS Crop Weed Specialist The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved extension of the registration for dicamba products Engenia, Fexapan, and Xtendimax for use in dicamba-tolerant cotton and soybean until December 20, 2020....