Time to Sample for Nematodes in Agronomic Crops

Now is the time to sample peanut and cotton fields for nematodes in preparation for next year’s crop, as nematode populations are at some of their highest populations during harvest time.  Plenty of plant roots are still available for the nematodes to feed upon...

New UF/IFAS Publication: High-Residue Cover Crops

While decision making in agriculture involves many aspects beyond climate, including economics, social factors, and policy considerations, climate-related risks are a primary source of yield and income variability. A new UF/IFAS 4-page fact sheet focuses on the use of...

Livestock Carcass Composting

Livestock Mortality Management Dr. Josh Payne, Oklahoma State University Extension Area Animal Waste Management Specialist Livestock mortality is an issue encountered by every rancher. Mortality may be associated with disease, injury, age, or a catastrophic event....