Peanuts Hit Hard by Nematodes this Year

Peanuts Hit Hard by Nematodes this Year

A hot and dry summer for many Panhandle farmers has given no relief from pests this year. Peanut root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne arenaria) are no an exception. Damage from nematodes has been severe in many areas of Jackson County where the fields are very sandy....

Time to Sample for Nematodes in Agronomic Crops

Now is the time to sample peanut and cotton fields for nematodes in preparation for next year’s crop, as nematode populations are at some of their highest populations during harvest time.  Plenty of plant roots are still available for the nematodes to feed upon...
Nematode Damage on Okra

Nematode Damage on Okra

                    Okra can be relatively easy to grow, unless you have nematodes. Nematodes are a serious pest of okra and can damage a stand, greatly decreasing production of pods. Nematodes are microscopic round...