2016 Peanut Variety Update

2016 Peanut Variety Update

Yield Potential While the majority of seed for peanut planting this year will be Georiga-06G, there are several varieties in seed increase that farmers should become familiar with. Table 1 shows the performance of peanut varieties in Florida over the past four years...
Cucurbit Disease Management in an El Niño Year

Cucurbit Disease Management in an El Niño Year

So far, mild winter temperatures and ample rainfall have led to multiple disease issues in many of northern Florida’s winter crops (e.g. forages). While temperatures are predicted to be below normal for the months February, March and April, it is projected that...
Conditions are Favorable for Bacterial Spot in Fall Tomatoes

Conditions are Favorable for Bacterial Spot in Fall Tomatoes

High temperatures and wet weather produce the perfect conditions for the onset of bacterial spot in tomato fields. The disease is caused by various species of Xanthomonas bacteria. Small spots (1/8 inch) form on leaves, stems, and fruit. The leaf spots are sometimes...
Weather Played a Major Role on Peanut Yields in 2015

Weather Played a Major Role on Peanut Yields in 2015

Peanut harvest is in full swing in the Florida Panhandle, but producers have had challenges to crop success in the form of disease and erratic weather this year. White mold has been particularly troublesome this season.  On August 24th we dug and rated our University...