Corn Leaf: Thrip Damage, Not a Disease

Corn Leaf: Thrip Damage, Not a Disease

Thrips are most noticeable, and of greatest concern on corn at two periods during the growing season: on young seedling plants, and at ear formation. On seedling plants their feeding makes the plants look stunted. At ear formation, thrip injury to developing kernels...

Conditions are Prime for White Mold in Peanuts

Peanuts in Santa Rosa County got off to a dry, slow start, with many fields requiring insecticide treatments for thrips. Now that the typical summer rains have set in, peanuts are growing well with a nice canopy, and have for the most part, overcome the early season...
Spotted Wilt Virus in Tomato

Spotted Wilt Virus in Tomato

Tomatoes, though a  joy to eat, are not the easiest crop to grow.  An Escambia County grower recently brought in a sample showing unusual patterns on the green fruit.  When he cut the fruit open, he noticed discoloration on the inside.  The issue was visually...
Disease Alert: Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Disease Alert: Northern Corn Leaf Blight

  Rome Ethredge, extension agent in Seminole County Georgia, this week reported incidence of Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB), as did Jake Price in Lowndes County Georgia. This is a fungal disease that can reduce corn yields and is most likley to be found in...
Peanut and Cotton Disease Update Video

Peanut and Cotton Disease Update Video

Dr. Nick Dufault, University of Florida Plant Pathologist, shares highlights from his “Peanut and Cotton Disease Update” presentation,  made at the 2013 Panhandle Row Crop Short Course in Marianna. In this video, he provides important considerations for managing...

New World Screwworm: Gone -Yes, but not Forgotten!

Several kinds of maggots infest the wounds of warm-blooded animals; however, the only one that feeds exclusively on live flesh is the screwworm, and Florida has a long history with New World Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax).  The adult flies of these flesh eating...