Downy Mildew on Cucurbits

Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) has been identified in Santa Rosa County on pumpkins, Cucurbita pepo. Downy Mildew (DM) can be devastating on cucurbits in fall plantings.  The disease occurs in temperate and tropic areas with adequate leaf wetness, usually...

2012 Peanuts: It Is a White Mold Year

Back in the early spring, University of Georgia Extension Plant Pathologist Bob Kemerait predicted that conditions were going to be right for white mold development in peanuts during the 2012 season.  He based this on the very warm temperatures common throughout the...

Floodwater Mosquitoes, a Special Brand of Misery

Jed Dillard Jefferson County Extension Livestock and Natural Resources Agent Whining hordes of mosquitoes have made life miserable for the warm blooded among us since tropical storm Debby soaked North Florida. You’re likely thinking, “These are not my mama’s...


          Calcium is essential for high quality peanuts, and that makes calcium management one of the more critical aspects of peanut production. Soil moisture plays a critical role in absorption of calcium. Calcium is “passively” absorbed by the developing peanut...

UF/IFAS Extension Surveying Bermuda & Bahia Pasture Decline

Over the last several months, reports of stand losses and decline for both Bermuda and Bahia grass pastures and hay fields have been coming in to Extension Offices across the Southeast.  Some ranchers have lost 25%-40% of their stand in certain fields, while a few...

Leafspot/Rust in Bermudagrass Hayfields

I have observed bermudagrass leafspot/rust in several commercial hayfields of Russell Bermudagrass in Holmes County over the last few weeks.  Typically this is something that is observed later in the growing season during hot, humid weather.  Even though Russell is...